What We Do
We Help Improving Lives
In Greater Victoria
Seniors' Services Directory
The Seniors' Services Directory contains over 500 listings of community resources and is reviewed and updated every 2 years by a Directory Committee. The committee is comprised of Island Health nurses and social workers, and professionals from Greater Victoria seniors' agencies to ensure ongoing quality and relevance of the publication.
Return To Health
Volunteers provide social support, encouragement, connections to community resources. Return to Health volunteers receive specialized training in seniors' issues, stressing good communication skills and familiarity with the aging process.
Seniors Link
Specially trained volunteer Referral Agents with expertise in senior's issues and knowledge of local services provide a referral to all of the non-medical emergency resources available in the region and support for everyday problems.
Seniors In Stitches
Volunteer knitters meet once a month to share patterns, sort through yarn and bring in items newly made. Sweaters, mittens, hats and blankets are catalogued and stored until Christmas, when the group presents the gift to the children at the Cridge Centre for the Family.