Seniors' Services Directory
The Seniors’ Services Directory contains over 500 listings of community resources and is reviewed and updated every 2 years by a Directory Committee. The committee comprises Island Health nurses and social workers, and professionals from Greater Victoria seniors’ agencies to ensure ongoing quality and relevance of the publication.
Service Categories
(click on the subject header to view the pdf document)
Information on community services, government services, and multi-cultural services.
This link is a listing by geographical area of centres that provide indoor and outdoor programs and services for adults 50 years and up.
Programs that meet the social and health needs of seniors who require assistance due to health-related matters. Centers that assist seniors who cannot use bathing facilities at home.
Counselling services providing support for abuse, addictions, bereavement, crisis, families, and mental health.
Credit counselling, pensions, subsidies, and benefits.
Listing of specialty health services and clinics, dental care, education/self-management programs, and Island Health programs.
Services to assist people to live independently including Better At Home, homemakers, live-in home support, mobile foot care, and volunteers.
Seniors’ housing options, and home relocation and decluttering services.
Information on legal resources, consumer protection, Office of the Ombudsman, and the Public Trustees Office.
Grocery and meal delivery, community meal programs and food banks.
Businesses and agencies offering hearing and vision aids, incontinence supplies, specialized clothing, medical equipment loans and mobility aids.
Contacts for crime prevention, disaster preparedness, alarm systems, and police victim services.
Wide range of groups, associations, organizations, and societies listed by topic.
Transportation options for disabled and able bodies, driver safety, medical transfers, and parking permits.
Various services designed specifically for war veterans and their families.
The Directory is not intended as an endorsement of any business, agency or organization. We apologize for any errors or omissions.

Members Of The
Seniors' Services Directory Committee
Seniors Serving Seniors wishes to thank the members of the Seniors’ Services Directory Committee for their valuable contribution to the development of this directory.
Seniors Serving Seniors – Gwen Gaddes, Charlotte Cronin, Di Eby, Vicki Pilot, Rosa Benjamin, Brenda Higham, Maria Hewitt, Amanda Falconberg (Island Health)